Primal Knowledge

Frederick County Maryland

Participating in the Primitive Skills Community is:



Experimental Archaeology benefits the study of early man. The interpretation of carefully replicated prehistoric tools, structures, and cultural experiments; is very reviling when compared to the known artifacts and features from archaeological sites. Often the unexplained characteristics of prehistoric artifacts become obvious when compared to the realistically re-produced primitive adaptations of the same. Modern reproductions, if carefully produce to prehistoric standards, can often replace information lost due to missing organics and context. If the tools and equipment are put into repeated real life use, in a functioning living context, the development of "use patterns" and "ware areas" can be diagnostically compared to the prehistoric artifacts. Experimental archaeology can add significantly to the body of knowledge available when interpreting prehistory.

About Primal-Knowledge

Our goal at Primal-Knowledge is to educate people in primitive survival skills. We believe that this happens best in classes of small groups. A small class size benefits the students as well as the instructor. Currently we offer three different class styles.

One Day Saturday Classes

The "Saturday Classes" are a one day event that teaches a specific skill or project. The instruction is designed to produce the knowledge of how something is done. For instance: In the Primitive fishing class we will produce some equipment, but also spend some time learning the techniques and strategies of how to use the equipment. Other classes are more focused on just producing a specific tool or piece of equipment. A class such as the "Survival bow" requires all day just to cut and produce the "reduced" bow blank. Survival Bows, would benefit from a second day. Some classes are almost completely focused on technique. In a class such as primitive pottery, the pottery produce will mostly be a by-product of the class. The object is to acquire the knowledge and have it available to reproduce the skill or tool when needed.

For most classes only a few items will be required of the student. Mostly, these items will include, a fixed or lock blade folding Knife and a pair of gloves. Students will need to bring a lunch of some sort, and protection from the elements, such as cold, or sun. (Refrigeration, stove an a microwave oven are available on site) Any special requirements for the class will be specified in the Class description.

Weekend Primitive Course

The "Weekend Primitive Course" is a extension of the Saturday Class. Often the one day class is not sufficient time to completely finish a project, such as "Deer Hide Tanning". The second day of class allows the student the opportunity to finish the project under supervision, not just at home later. Also, in many classes the skill is taught the first day, but there is little time left for practice and experimentation. Practice is important aspect of the learning process. Knowledge is not the same as competence. I can have all the information and details of knowledge, but only practice will bring the confidence and the ability to reproduce the skill, or tool when NEEDED. The second day allows much more time to develop competence and confidence in the learned skill.

The requirements for the second day of the course are mostly the same as the first. You will need to bring a lunch and snacks or drink for the second day. There is the option of camping on site. For those who chose to camp on site, a continental breakfast of Pancakes and Scrapple, will be provided. Students also have the option of using the primitive camping shelter when camping on site. Anyone camping on site will need to bring their own camping equipment, such as a sleeping bag, lights, etc. There is always plenty of firewood, and potable water available on site.

Private Lesson Classes

"Private Lessons" are available for Clients who would like to move ahead quickly in learning the skills and techniques of primitive survival. These lessons are offered on the clients schedule, through personal instruction. The lessons are usually taught during weekdays, per agreement.